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Cleaning Tips

Cleaning Tips

Before the Second World War, people used cleaners that are derived from plants and coconut oil was one of the very common ingredients for soap. Afterwards, plant based cleaners have been substituted by fuel oil and chemical products. Though some of the everyday routine can be done more quickly by the fuel oil and chemicals, living environment and more importantly our health are continuously harmed.

To be environmentally friendly and good to your health, the first action you should take is to use natural cleaners or organic cleaners for your house cleaning. Though it is cheaper and healthier to use natural or organic cleaner for household cleaning, you have to pay attention to the following house cleaning tips.

(i) Natural or organic cleaner’s dirt removal action is not as quick as chemicals or chemical cleaning products. Usually, you may need to wash over for several times with more power. Of course, for delicate material or stuff, you may wish to wash several times instead of using the power. Though it consumes you a little bit more time, it is certainly worthy to do that.

Read this also : House Cleaning When You Have No Time

(ii) When you have decided to make your cleaner natural, do not try to change your cleaning products to natural ones all at once as you may feel pressure. Start to change step by step, maybe from kitchen to bathroom to living room…after several weeks, gather your experience, and you will find it much easier to spread this idea throughout your home and every part of your home cleaning.

(iii) Though unlike ordinary household cleaner, natural cleaner is non-toxic and much safer to use. But surely you will not your children to reach the cleaner when you have perfectly mixed them. It is better to put the natural cleaners that you have made into some kind of bottle that is easily distinguished by children that they are cleaners. You should also put clear note and sign on such bottles. Never try to beverages or food container to contain the natural cleaners. Though as I mention the cleaners are non-toxic, but certainly you will not want your children drink or eat any of these natural cleaners.

(iv) It is so common that when you started to change your cleaning products to natural ones, you will find some of the chemicals left unused. You do not want to throw them away, so you are thinking of mix the chemicals with the natural cleaners. Do not ever try to do this as this not only reduce the cleaning power of the cleaner, but also produce an even more toxic product.

Start to enjoy the benefit of natural cleaners from following the household cleaning tips!

Source : 50 of the Best Cleaning Tips to Make Your House Look Like New


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